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3 Part Organ Arrangements

John Philip Gloninger

"Ubi Caritas"

 "Veni Creator Spiritus"

"Of the Father's Love Begotten"

Icon of the trinity that Father Stanley brought to my attention.

"Parce Domine" 




"Pange Lingua" 

My 3 part organ arrangement proposal
(please click below)


"Join in the Dance" 

"River of Glory"

"Earthen Vessels"

"Let the Valleys Be Raised" 


"Once In Royal
David's City" 

Music for Liturgy

Summer 1948

"Our Father" (Chant)

"On Eagle's Wings"

"Be Not Afraid"

"Here I Am, Lord" 

"City of God" 

"Massa's In de Cold, Cold Ground"



"Lord of
e Dance"

My wife's painting of the Czech countryside with a procession of locals.

"Gluck's Corner"

"Sing Praise to Our Creator"

"Birthday of a king"

Andrew. Gloninger
Summer 1916

"Lord of the Dance"

"Lord of the Dance"


This pedal-board video has 3 part audio for an arrangement of “O Sacred Head” 

The standard arrangement in hymn books has 67 notes in the pedal bass (each verse) and mine only 47. The standard has a dozen accidentals and mine none.

I would think, at a time when many organists don’t use pedals for the bass line, that arrangements like this could have potential for inspiring a turnaround of that trend.     John P. Gloninger

Credit to  my daughter-in-law, Catherine Danko, for pointing out  the need for “tightening up” the layout of my HOME PAGE &                                                                      IMPROVING THE APPEARANCE OF MY SCORES AND RECORDINGS LIBRARY ON THE "MUSIC PAGE"

Consider the playlist below (harp renditions) for your customers' peace-of- mind, when they might have to spend some phone-time on hold. Free download!

Carol Gloninger

"For All the Saints"

"Shining Shore"

"Shining Shore"

"For All the Saints"

"For All the Saints"

The play buttons above activate 2 different "voice-over" renditions of my 3 part arrangement of

“For All the Saints”.

The standard 4 part

arrangement in hymn books has 207 notes and mine only 127. I'm convinced my much simpler version is just as rich, full and satisfying as the original! 

My wife recently drew my attention to a “Cross Jewelers” catalogue advertisement featuring the Hymn “For All the Saints”.  The Ad writer’s special partiality for that particular Hymn, inspired me to take it on. Not long afterward, Rosalind Carter died, and my wife strongly encouraged me to watch her funeral on TV. (I avoid TV whenever possible.) On this occasion, I’m delighted to have followed her lead. I was spellbound by the Choir’s rendition of "Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine" and decided to take that up!

Our Father (WLP arrg.)
00:00 / 01:05

"Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine"

Immediately above is my performance (1/3/24) of the "Our Father" chant, as was arranged in a previous WLP Hymnal. I would never have played this and instead played my own arrangement for all the years I held the position for which I was hired in 2002. The score and performance for my own arrangement (the one I used back then) is immediately beneath my "Music for Liturgy" heading (just below the Icon of the Trinity) near the top of this Home Page.

I very recently discovered that the  WLP editors, at some point, decided to get a new arranger for the “Our Father” chant, to replace the collaborative setting I could have been using if I hadn't been inspired to come up with my own.

Although the previous arrangement is not particularly inspiring, the arranger WLP hired to replace it fell into the same trap! as his collaborating predecessors. The original chant melody never ventures below D at the lower end, or above G on the higher end. The earlier arrangers never figured out that the key they were working with included C#.  They both assumed the melody’s key was “G” . All the C “naturals” in their respective accompaniments do not make for a  satisfying singing or listening experience!  


I could have told them, after working awhile with my 3 part arrangement technique, that the melody’s actual key is D!


Compare the following (WLP) 4 part arrangement of the Sanctus (activate with the generic play button below) with my 3 part arrangement ((play button for that is the 3rd one down to the right of the Trinity Icon, at the head of this page)). The arrangement, performed below, is in the correct key! It's pleasant enough, if a little dreary. I think mine is much more energetic.

Sanctus (WLP arrg.)
00:00 / 00:46
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